You may think that your home was a fortress against pests, but you are wrong. You find crawling, flying, and slithering insects in your house three seasons out of the year. This causes you to do some investigating to find out where these pests are coming into your house and to call us at Green Guard Pest Control to get rid of them. During your investigation I found that the 5 ways your home attracts pests are:
Pests can sneak under doors
Pets can fly through windows
Pests can come in through cracks in a foundation
Pests can come in on pets
Pests can come in on people
Pests can sneak under doors
Pests can find their way into homes the same way that people that I invite into your house end up coming in; through the door. Well, not through, but under. Some inspects, such as ticks, have very flat bodies and can easily fit between the crack in the bottom of a door and make their way into the house. This may surprise and infuriated you.
Pets can fly through windows
Yes, even though this seems like a no brainer it is still very relevant. Even if you have a screen in your window they still find a way to get in either through a small tear or a crack in the window frame. In the summertime, mosquitos are many people’s worst enemies.
Pests can come in through cracks in a foundation
Who would have thought that pest could find their way through a concrete foundation, but it is true. All they need is a piece of split timber or a crack in the foundation to wiggle through and they are in. Once inside, they can lay eggs and your house could become infested.
Pests can come in on pets
Fleas and ticks aren’t the only insects that can come in on pets. Ants, spiders, cockroaches, and ladybugs can also hitch a ride on man’s best friend.
Pests can come in on people
Yes, this is true. We are not talking about head lice here. Any insect that can make their way in on a pet can also do so on a person as well.
Insects can find a way into your home from several sources, but you can call Green Guard Pest Control to fix the issue.